Saturday, June 25, 2011

Time Off

I had 10 days off work. I got to travel a little, reconnect with old friends and meet new ones, (Love ya Ana and Ben). But its Saturday. Monday starts my rigorous work, school, home improvement, gym schedule. And I am pumped and ready to go. I did much more this time off than I have in years. For once, at the end of time off work, I don't feel depressed and alone and let down. AND!! I already have almost $200 squirreled away for December's vacation week. Who knows where I may end up then???? Work, I have missed you and am ready to go back. School, I am excited and ready to learn and study and read and just be a dork in general. House, bring it on!! One floor down, 2 more to go!!!!! Gym....... For this I need a motivational speech by Tony Robbins, but I'll got there. Days are happy, nights are content, and life is good.

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