Friday, February 18, 2011

When I Find You

When I find you, I will smile at the thought of coming home to you every day.

When I find you, if I have a bad day I don’t need anything but your ears listening.

When I find you, I will find myself somewhere inside of you already, as if a tiny part of me, implanted inside of you when we were born, has sat waiting for me to reclaim it.

When I find you, you will look into my eyes and sense what I am feeling.

When I find you, there will be no one else who can make me smile in quite the same way that you can.

When I find you, we will laugh at a lot of the same things, and the things that one of us doesn’t really think is funny, we will still laugh because our laughs will be contagious for each other.

When I find you, there will be no end to our meaningful conversations, and shared opinions, because yours will be the most important opinion I want to know, we will be halves of a whole, and learning about you will teach me about myself.

When I find you, life will be an adventure to be tackled, and obstacles will be a challenge for us to surmount, in good times or bad, life will be our instrument to play as we wish, even when we lose the tune we can still dance to our music.

When I find you, our floods of tears will become a beautiful waterfall, our tears will flow from the precipice of each other’s strength, into a pool of sadness that we can walk beside hand in hand and be grateful for the comfort, support and strength of each other.

When I find you, the joy of being together will be balanced with other joys, and when we are apart I feel invisible thread tying our hearts together for eternity.

When I find you, I will not dread retirement as a time of boredom and loneliness, even the simplest and most mundane of activities will be enjoyable as long as we are together.

When I find you, will I even realize that important fact at first?

Have I found you? Maybe I already have. 

Most days, I hope so.

1 comment:

  1. that is wonderful. you are an excellent writer. i hope you have found him and if not i hope it is very soon.
